Carpet to Tile Transition

Where The Two Worlds Meet

Who doesn’t want the best of both worlds? Carpet and tile both have attributes that are appealing. Tile is easy to clean and adds value to your home.

Carpet is soft, comforting, increases your home’s value and is easy to maintain. It is when these two worlds collide is where many problems occur.

If the transition is not done correctly the first time your carpet can end up looking frayed and visually unappealing. Who wants that?  We have a variety of solutions for you to choose from, and we can help you make an educated decision about how you want us to fix the problem.

Solutions For Your Problem

Transition Strips: Transition strips come in three styles, wood, metal and rubber. These strips are used to create a seamless transition from carpet to tile. Transition strips like these are typically used when there is a height differential between the carpet and the tile.

Tack Strips: Carpet that is flush with the tile may simply need a re-stretching. We will fold the edge under and attach it to the tack strip. This will create a flawless transition between your carpet and tile/wood.

Rubber Reducers: For our commercial customers, we can replace aged and worn reducers with new ones. This will create a visually appealing transition and a safer work environment for your customers and employees.

Tucson Carpet Repair has the solutions to your problems. With a call to our office, our professionally trained staff will fix your problems quickly and with care.

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